Branding & Print Design
Branding and artwork for boohoo's new Leicester factory 'Thurmaston Lane', opened in 2022. While the site was being converted and repurposed, I worked with the project managers to develop the identity for the site and look at options for where we could utilise different on-site artwork.
Thurmaston Lane creative guide
Foyer timeline
The foyer/showroom space had two large blank walls which I designed a timeline of the company for, along with the welcome sign.
Multicoloured timeline artwork showing history of Boohoo
Timeline artwork in situ
Timeline artwork in situ
Timeline artwork in situ
Journey of a Garment Infographic
The foyer also has space for small events and presentations, and I designed a 'journey of a garment' infographic to act as a focal point and background. 
Journey of a Garment artwork, showing how boohoo designs, orders and delivers garments
Journey of a Garment artwork in situ
'Artist Impressions'
During the process, there were also several stages where we needed to present visuals in order to get installations greenlit. With the factory still under construction, I used the images we had to re-imagine the space, heavily editing and retouching them to mock up our suggestions and help the directors envision our ideas (unedited and post-editing images below).
Thurmaston Lane foyer under construction
Thurmaston Lane foyer edited to look finished and modern, with branded wall flags
Thurmaston Lane factory floor under construction
Thurmaston Lane factory floor edited to look finished, clean and with artwork on wall
We went forward with the branded flags in the foyer to highlight the many brands in the boohoo Group, and also worked on internal artwork and signage. With such a fast-paced industry and so many brands, it made sense to utilise digital screens for other areas, meaning it could be updated frequently with new campaigns.
Thurmaston Lane foyer hosting an event, with branded wall flags
Infographic showing the benefits of working at Thurmaston Lane
Photo of the foyer showing digital screens and foliage

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