App Design
Retalens is an app concept designed to ensure the safety of lone workers through the aid of smart contact lens technology. By studying blink patterns, the app acts as both a monitoring device and panic alarm: allowing lone workers to access assistance and support in times of need, discreetly and hands-free. The app was developed from creative concept through to final wireframes and UI.
Retalens logo - a yellow flower-like emblem where each petal is the top of the letter R
Wireframe for the Retalens app
Screens from the final Retalens app design, highlighting the different functions of the app
Animated User Journey

The video below demonstrates how a target persona (John, a Site Operator) would use the app in conjunction with the smart contact lens throughout a working day.
UX Development

Development for the app included Card Sorts, site maps, a paper prototype, and experimenting with an Arduino and an LED to demonstrate how the contact lens LED would function.
photos of four card sort exercises
photo of Arduino with orange LED attached

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